Sunday, May 10, 2009 it is almost the middle of May. Can't believe how fast the time has gone since my last entry at the end of March. This is such a busy time of the year but I also seem to be spinning my wheels. So much to do outside in the yard and flower beds but hard to get it all in between the rain and the work schedule. I always panic at this time of the year but always seem to manage to get it done by the end of May. Not done done..just done with cleaning out beds, planting flower pots and window boxes. Then comes the almost daily maintenance for the next several months as the seasons change. But I love it. Such a sense of taking care of what God has given us.

Before I sign of for this night, I have to mention that this was a wonderful Mother's Day. We went with our daughter, Laurie, and her family to their church in Bloomington for our grandaughter ( Laurie and Mark's daugther) Savannah's baptism. What a blessing it is to be a witness to something so precious. Her older brother, Andrew, was baptised just 2 years ago. I cannot begin to express how much we love them and how much their decision for being Christ followers mean to us.

We then spent the day at Lake Evergreen..enjoying a great picnic all prepared by Laurie, fishing..with 3 fish being caught by Andrew and Savannah, then finishing off the day at the Dairy Queen. yum!

Thank you Laurie for taking so much of your precious time at a very busy time for you and on your own Mother's Day to make this a special one for us. And..we loved riding in the new mini-van!

Check back again soon. Hope to post some pictures in the near future.

In the meantime..enjoy every day to it's fullest.

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