Monday, March 30, 2009

Great Weekend!!

What a terrific weekend it was, despite the unspring like weather. Andrew and Savannah came on Friday afternoon. Lucy Jo was here waiting for them. She has talked about it every day for the two weeks she knew they were coming.

It was a gorgeous day..the only day we had that weekend. I had so hoped that it would be nice on Sat. so we could go to Turkey Run. But no such luck. Rainy and chilly all day Sat. Larry surprised Andrew with a trip to the movies. He had asked Andrew to go with him to Danville to get an oil change. Andrew went, more to please papa because he really wanted to stay back with the girls to bake Easter cookies. But once they were on the highway, Larry told him where they were really see Monsters v Aliens. Needless to say the cookies were no longer that big of a deal.

They eventually did go to get the oil change, drove out to the Wetlands..a favorite nature site just north of Danville .. and picked up pizza from Papa Murphey's for supper.


The girls didn't fuss about not getting to go to the movies as I thought they might. They had a good time baking the cookies and bagging them up in pretty Easter bags to take home for all the rest of their families.

As hard as I try to get them bed at a decent hour tho, it doesn't always work. They are usually in bed at the designated hour but watching a movie or tv program doesn't always get them to sleep at the best time. I usually rationalize it by telling myself that since they didn't really wear themselves out during the they do in the summer time...then they can stay up a little longer. Summer is really hard! When it doesn't even get dark until 10pm here in Indiana !

We headed for Bloomington on Sunday after church to take them back home. Halen got to go with us:) yeah!! That was a pleasant surprise. We didn't think he'd be back home from his dad's until Sunday evening but he came back on Sat. afternoon. We missed all the big snow..thank goodness. Bloomington had a few inches but was melted by the time we got there.

Stopped in Champaign for lunch and was going to do a little shopping but decided that it would be easier to do it on the way home with only 2 kids in tow:) Of course we had to stop for ice cream at the Dairy Queen in St. Joe then went for a little drive thru the Pollywogs. It's so nice there. We can't wait for the Dairy Barn in west Danville to open weekend!! It is the best!!! zillions times better than Custard Cup!!

Our next opportunity to have the kids for a long weekend, hopefully longer, will be in late June..carnival time at the park and 4th of July celebration!! That's become a nice tradition for all of us. Small town but fun.

Till next time...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where did this week go? Gone, all too fast. But..we are getting closer to have this remodeling project done. It has to be done by the end of the week. Andrew and Savannah are coming for the weekend. Yeah!!! They haven't been here since Christmas break so we are really counting down the days.

Three full weeks ago, we started a major remodeling project of our living room and foyer. One more week and it should be done..if no one gets the flu again! Time for a much needed update. ..including new furniture. The biggest change overall is the color change. Going way out of my comfort level. Of course, now the rest of the house doesn't go with that that has been changed. Looks like next winter could bring on some changes indoors. ( we don't do any long term projects inside during the summer..too much to enjoy and do outside)

As much as I'm ready for continued warmer weather I really do still need some time spent here inside. So much spring cleaning to be know, all those closets and cabinets to be cleaned out. ..along with washing down walls and curtains, etc. ( does anyone out there but me still do those handed down chores from their childhood?)

Back to the got a thumbs up from Wade and a friend. ..figured we are on the right track when they approved!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


hmmmmm I can manage to find my blog online but it doesn't look like others that I have seen. I don't immediately see the post..just something to click on that brings up the post.

Me? A blog?, a blog? Hmmmm. Wonder where this will lead me. I always like reading other people's blogs but really wonder if I have anything interesting enough to chat about that anyone else would want to read about it. Guess we'll, see...huh?